Saturday, June 20, 2020

If Tomorrow Never Comes (A Poem)

I originally wrote this poem, If Tomorrow Never Comes, in July of 2013 as I was beginning my battle with major depression. I think in light of recent events, it's helpful to re-read this. God is still here, and He is still in control.

If Tomorrow Never Comes,
God will still be there.
And the Lamb who shines His light so bright,
Forever I would still be in His care.

My hope is not in this world,
For one day it will pass away.
Pain and suffering I will not recall,
And my tears and my sadness wiped away.

I will overcome my trials,
Even if tomorrow never comes.
For God is bigger than this world,
And all the evil, the dirt, and scum.

If Tomorrow Never Comes,
Yes even if tomorrow never comes,
God will still be there.
And the Lamb who shines His light so bright,
Forever I would still be in His care.

If Tomorrow Never Comes,
God will still be there.

If Tomorrow Never Comes,
I will still be in His care.

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