Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Welcome to July!

Welcome to July! Halfway through 2019, and what a year it's shaping up to be!

So... I got back to Dumfries yesterday afternoon after a brief overnight trip out to the Shenandoah mountains and am here through the weekend. This will actually be my first 4th of July in VA since 2013!

Sleep was hard to come by last night. As usual, I was up late (I almost always get less sleep when I'm on "home time" as there's so much catching up to do on real life which I miss out on when I'm on the road). And, well... my alarm went off at 3:20 this morning!

And no, I'm not referring to my alarm clock. The alarm I'm talking about is hard-wired into a 3000 pound piece of metal which is painted blue and has the Ford emblem on it.

Which got me thinking... that's another thing to add to my list. Replace the Ford Escape... eventually. It's now 12 years old and has over 193K miles on it... 32K of which I put on it since acquiring it early in 2016, only a little more than 3 years ago. I swear I think it's possessed. It will be quiet for several days/weeks, even months at a time... and then will sound off every day or every other day for a little bit, then go quiet again! Been like that ever since I first got it. My new neighbors are going to hate me when I do actually get moved in somewhere here, if I don't get rid of it. Rarely does it go off in the middle of the night like that (this is only the 2nd time I know of that's happened) but I'm pretty sure the blue beast is loud enough to wake the dead!

Speaking of which... I have so much to do, but am really starting to get excited about what I expect to be a permanent move back home, hopefully completed by the end of summer. It has been such a long and brutal road to get back here, and I'm needing all the prayers I can get that it all works out... I really think the time is right to make this move and it's going to be so awesome to call Virginia my official home once again!

Now... still looking for a local "day job" around here in addition to the apartment search. I expect to return to my current job next week and so... praying for strength to endure the road life for just a little while longer.

Anyway, this is long but thanks for reading and thank you all for your prayers! 2019 is shaping up to be another great year and I am blessed! When life changes... God is good!

May all have a happy and safe Independence Day!


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