"I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend. But I always thought that I'd see you again."
In 1970, songwriter and musician James Taylor wrote and then recorded this song, "Fire and Rain", as a tribute to a friend he had not seen in many years... after learning of her passing away unexpectedly.
Early last week, I thought about my brother in Christ and long time friend, Tim Miller. It's been about 3 years since I last saw him, but we have kept in touch quite often through the social media channel known as Facebook. He came to mind, quite out of the blue, as I was driving down the I-4 on Tuesday heading towards an early morning delivery in Lakeland Florida. I noticed I had not seen him on facebook in quite some time and I made a mental note to myself that I would check in on him by the end of the week once I had some downtime.
I first met Tim Miller in 2009. I was just coming back to church, my home church (Calvary) in Woodbridge VA, after a lengthy absence of a few years. Coincidentally, Tim was just starting his ministry as worship pastor at Calvary at that same time. That was in March of 2009.
I could tell right off the bat that Pastor Tim was a very special person. He had a heart for worship which was a great inspiration to me at the time, and also a very clever sense of humor. He was very friendly and relatable too; very easy to get to know... and we connected as friends rather quickly.
Less than a year later, Pastor Tim's ministry at Calvary came to an abrupt end as he and his family (which at the time was his wife and young daughter) moved to Oklahoma, due to some extenuating circumstances which I won't get in to here. That was in January of 2010. I was devastated when I found out that he was no longer going to be at Calvary but grateful for the time that he was there and for the impact he had on me. He was a great fit for our church's ministry... I have, and will always believe that. Tim's ministry and impact didn't end there though.
Beginning in 2013, I struggled with major clinical depression (still ongoing today) which really hit a peak in the summer and fall of 2016. Or maybe "valley" is a more fitting word in this case... either way the point is, it was at its worst during this time. Tim took it upon himself to reach out to me in 2016, writing (through Facebook messenger) a few very long notes with words of encouragement, his own testimony and struggles with depression, and some practical advice as well... all the while reminding me that God has a plan for good through it all. I've never told him this, but Tim quite literally saved my life... it was his notes, and his words of encouragement that "talked me down off the ledge."
Things improved dramatically for me over the course of the next several months. I made a coast to coast trip out to California in March of 2017, which turned out to be the most significant life changing trip I've ever made to date. I got a new job with a national trucking company while out west and in August of that year, I transferred to their eastern division, and returned back home to the east coast. I made it a point to stop in Oklahoma on the way back home and arrange to meet up with Tim.
I visited Tim at the hospital where he was working as a chaplain at the time, we went out to lunch, and he took me on a little mini-tour of Oklahoma City. That was on Friday August 18th 2017. It was the first time I'd seen him since he left VA early in 2010. He told me how proud he was of me, and that he himself was encouraged by just how far I'd come over the previous year.
Since the company I worked for at the time also had a division in Oklahoma, I knew I would be running through the area quite a lot and I assumed I'd probably see Tim a time or two again. At least, I always thought that I'd see him one more time again.
Tim Miller passed away unexpectedly this past Wednesday, September 30th. I learned of the news on Friday night.
I'm truly heartbroken over this. It may be heaven's gain, but it is the world's loss... as the world has lost one of Christ's greatest soldiers. Tim Miller had a heart of gold. He truly had a heart for the underprivileged, the homeless, the depressed and downtrodden, the very "outcasts" of society that the Pharisees and religious leaders of Jesus' time on earth would shun but that Jesus would hang out with. Most importantly he had a heart for worship and for Jesus, and I know he is with the Savior now in peace.
But I always thought I'd see him again.
I thank you for reading this long tribute. Prayer warriors, please do be in prayer for Tim's family at this time as they deal with this heartbreaking grief.