Thursday, December 31, 2015

And We're On To 2016...

Hello everyone,

I have returned to blogger, with the expectation that I will be writing more often and updating my blog with more consistency in the upcoming year.

I have decided to open the new blog by reposting (word for word)... a post I originally wrote and uploaded to one of my (undisclosed) social media accounts on the night of Sunday, December 13th. Here it is, in its entirety...

  At this time last night, I was at the same time excited but simultaneously dreading my long-awaited return to CBC. I knew, though, that I had come way too far to let the enemy get his way again. So, at 8:15 this morning.... dressed in my church clothes and with a backpack slung over my shoulder... I walked out the side door of the motel and began the most memorable walk I have ever undertaken. Earlier in the week, I had toyed with the idea of trying to secure a ride to church... but I knew that with the anxiety still being a major issue, concluded that walking to church (the first time I ever walked to church) would help me to get my mind off things. So I walked.... and I walked.... and I walked. Church shoes are not meant for walking, by the way. They hurt! I walked down 234.... making a right turn onto Country Club after two miles, then another immediate right turn onto Waterway. I passed the golf course, then at the four way stop... another right turn onto Northgate. Northgate does not connect all the way to Cardinal.... it ends in a cup-de-sac just before that road. But the path is easily accessible by foot. So... four miles into the journey.... I'm on Cardinal. I'm not going to lie, I've gotten out of shape.... and it was painful. But I pressed on. I knew I had to. Something told me that #‎ThisIsGoingToBeBig!
As soon as I crossed the 95 overpass, I took advantage of the next shortcut. Hopped the guardrail and took the short path down to the back end of Donald Curtis Drive (which used to be a part of Cardinal's main drag, way back in the day) About a half mile later, the journey was complete. Six miles later. I made it!
I was exhausted.... and did I mention that church shoes are not built for walking? They hurt! But I made it! The day started out shaky, and there was even a point later in the day (just before the children's Christmas play was about to begin) that I felt like bailing.... again.
But I stayed. It was worth it. Since coming back to Calvary back in 2009, the Christmas play is the only annual church event that I have not missed. I have either been to or participated in the Christmas play every year since 2009... this one making it the 7th consecutive year! And though I have to admit I really did miss being on stage this year (and perhaps another opportunity to showcase my broom playing skills!), it was a great show!
I made it! I made it without a car. I made it after going through the darkest year I've ever been through. Today was only the 4th Sunday this entire calendar year 2015 that I have been at Calvary, and the first since April 19th. I made it because God made a way, when there seemed to be no way.
And now, I also have a few new things to write about!
I still have a long and difficult road ahead of me, with many and various and complicated issues to work through, but.... I hope to be back soon. Really soon!

So many emotions accompanied me throughout my homecoming weekend. A weekend that was way too short. A weekend that was one of only three or maybe four bright spots in an otherwise nightmare of a year.

But now, we're on to 2016. My prayer for the new year is that I will find myself back where I belong once again, and that I will never again be in a place where I feel that God Himself has left me or forsaken me. Sadly, that feeling became all too common and more frequent as 2015 wore on, intensifying especially in the latter few months.

My trip home (even though it was only for a brief weekend) went a long way in relieving some of the distress... and for that, I am truly blessed and very thankful.

Happy New Year... and blessings to all!